Tuesday, August 4, 2015


kwBlueKat-Close-Giant-white Now is the best time to list, then sell your home
in Dallas, TX. If you have it ready for market, clean and looking great, price it right and….
You could start a bidding frenzy for you home.
Many homes have been listed, and by the end of the first week have several offers over the listing price… Yes , you have to be completely ready to market your home.
And yes, it will need to priced at where the current market buyers are buying. This takes a professional agent. One who knows the market as it is right now. An agent who has the experience to negotiate in your favor.
This is what I do for my clients. Give me a call lets see what we can do together.
~ Kathryn :-)
PS: I first posted this last summer, The Dallas Housing Market has stayed the same and is a strong as ever… Give me a call & we’ll do
a quick get together, go over what to expect and how to sell in
this special market, and we’ll get you an accurate home valuation
in this current market…



Now is the best time to list, then sell your home in Dallas, TX. If you have it ready for market, clean and looking great, price it right and….

You could start a bidding frenzy for you home.
Many homes have been listed, and by the end of the first week have several offers over the listing price… Yes , you have to be completely  ready to market your home.
And yes, it will need to priced at where the current market buyers are buying. This takes a professional agent. One who knows the market as it is right now. An agent who has the experience to negotiate in your favor.
This is what I do for my clients. Give me a call lets see what we can do together.
~Kathryn :-)

Friday, February 18, 2011

Well Happy Full moon & Chinese New Year fulfilled

Wow what a great Lion dance last eve, on Lantern Day
I wore my lantern jacket at the restaurant, ate the Cantonese style

pan fried rice noodles with veggies in a brown sauce, and baby bok choy
! Yumm.

here's some pictures of the lion dance.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Day 15 Lantern Day ~ Happy Chinese New Year ~ the Big day

Day 15 has arrived !
The greatest day of the celebration 
- On the evening of the 15 day everyone
carries a lantern in the street and joins
the biggest parade of the year with the high-light
being the 100 foot dragon carried by all the young men.
This is the brightest most
beautiful evening of the whole two weeks!

Light your lanterns everyone !

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Day 14 of 15 ~ Chinese New Year Celebration -- feast prep

Today is preparation for the Biggest day of the New Year Celebration...
It may take whole day to get the 100 foot dragon ready with it's Lion head to dance.

Join us for early Dinner at May Dragon 4 star restaurant
Beltline - Addison  behind Benedict's 5:30 P
and the Lion Dance at 7PM p 7:30P

so make your preparations.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Day 13 of 15 ~ Chinese New Year - Cleans Day

Day 13 Chinese New Year  13 is always a lucky for me. You too?

Not for:
  • Caesar crossed the Rubicon with the 13 th legion - the beginning of the end of Rome.
  • did you know that many buildings do not even have a '13th' floor?
  • It is not on the elevator selection pad? It goes with black cats...
  • interesting that in Chinese astrology the cat was left out.
  • 1913 was the year the US congress at Christmas session established the The present tax code, the American Bar Association, & authorized the Federal Reserve Bank. Some have seen this the root of all evil in the USA.
Goodies of the #13 
  • There are 12.41 full moons in any given year; so some years have 13th - the 'Blue Moon'
  • There were 13 at the last supper.
  • 13 is a bakers dozen.
  • A Rondeau is poem with 13 lines.
  • 13 original colonies, stars on the USA flag, # of Guns in the Army & others Salute.
  • In the Great Seal of the United States there are 13 olive leaves (with 13 olives), 13 arrows, and 13 stars. These form a triangle over the eagle with the number 13 on each point. On the reverse the pyramid has 13 levels

What ever the reason, 13 + / - lives with us; even George Lucas has the # 1138 sprinkled all through his star wars movies. (1+1+3+8=13)

Some like it some don't.    I am one who does.

13  Day
Feb 15th

Today is the Chinese 13th Day of New Year
a good time to rest up after all of the feasting that has taken place over the last 12 days...
(hum: reminds me of the 12 days of Christmas), you know from all that stuffing and drinking.

so a bit of Cleanse is in order.
The Chinese recommend rice and mustard greens today for the rest and a bit of cleanse. Apple Cider Vinegar - 1-3 Tbls in 16 ounces of water 2-3xs daily is really great to help digestion - so is ginger, fennel seeds, or peppermint. (leave out the Sugar)

happy Celebrating - rest up for the coming Big day!