Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Day 13 of 15 ~ Chinese New Year - Cleans Day

Day 13 Chinese New Year  13 is always a lucky for me. You too?

Not for:
  • Caesar crossed the Rubicon with the 13 th legion - the beginning of the end of Rome.
  • did you know that many buildings do not even have a '13th' floor?
  • It is not on the elevator selection pad? It goes with black cats...
  • interesting that in Chinese astrology the cat was left out.
  • 1913 was the year the US congress at Christmas session established the The present tax code, the American Bar Association, & authorized the Federal Reserve Bank. Some have seen this the root of all evil in the USA.
Goodies of the #13 
  • There are 12.41 full moons in any given year; so some years have 13th - the 'Blue Moon'
  • There were 13 at the last supper.
  • 13 is a bakers dozen.
  • A Rondeau is poem with 13 lines.
  • 13 original colonies, stars on the USA flag, # of Guns in the Army & others Salute.
  • In the Great Seal of the United States there are 13 olive leaves (with 13 olives), 13 arrows, and 13 stars. These form a triangle over the eagle with the number 13 on each point. On the reverse the pyramid has 13 levels

What ever the reason, 13 + / - lives with us; even George Lucas has the # 1138 sprinkled all through his star wars movies. (1+1+3+8=13)

Some like it some don't.    I am one who does.

13  Day
Feb 15th

Today is the Chinese 13th Day of New Year
a good time to rest up after all of the feasting that has taken place over the last 12 days...
(hum: reminds me of the 12 days of Christmas), you know from all that stuffing and drinking.

so a bit of Cleanse is in order.
The Chinese recommend rice and mustard greens today for the rest and a bit of cleanse. Apple Cider Vinegar - 1-3 Tbls in 16 ounces of water 2-3xs daily is really great to help digestion - so is ginger, fennel seeds, or peppermint. (leave out the Sugar)

happy Celebrating - rest up for the coming Big day!

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