Friday, February 18, 2011

Well Happy Full moon & Chinese New Year fulfilled

Wow what a great Lion dance last eve, on Lantern Day
I wore my lantern jacket at the restaurant, ate the Cantonese style

pan fried rice noodles with veggies in a brown sauce, and baby bok choy
! Yumm.

here's some pictures of the lion dance.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Day 15 Lantern Day ~ Happy Chinese New Year ~ the Big day

Day 15 has arrived !
The greatest day of the celebration 
- On the evening of the 15 day everyone
carries a lantern in the street and joins
the biggest parade of the year with the high-light
being the 100 foot dragon carried by all the young men.
This is the brightest most
beautiful evening of the whole two weeks!

Light your lanterns everyone !

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Day 14 of 15 ~ Chinese New Year Celebration -- feast prep

Today is preparation for the Biggest day of the New Year Celebration...
It may take whole day to get the 100 foot dragon ready with it's Lion head to dance.

Join us for early Dinner at May Dragon 4 star restaurant
Beltline - Addison  behind Benedict's 5:30 P
and the Lion Dance at 7PM p 7:30P

so make your preparations.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Day 13 of 15 ~ Chinese New Year - Cleans Day

Day 13 Chinese New Year  13 is always a lucky for me. You too?

Not for:
  • Caesar crossed the Rubicon with the 13 th legion - the beginning of the end of Rome.
  • did you know that many buildings do not even have a '13th' floor?
  • It is not on the elevator selection pad? It goes with black cats...
  • interesting that in Chinese astrology the cat was left out.
  • 1913 was the year the US congress at Christmas session established the The present tax code, the American Bar Association, & authorized the Federal Reserve Bank. Some have seen this the root of all evil in the USA.
Goodies of the #13 
  • There are 12.41 full moons in any given year; so some years have 13th - the 'Blue Moon'
  • There were 13 at the last supper.
  • 13 is a bakers dozen.
  • A Rondeau is poem with 13 lines.
  • 13 original colonies, stars on the USA flag, # of Guns in the Army & others Salute.
  • In the Great Seal of the United States there are 13 olive leaves (with 13 olives), 13 arrows, and 13 stars. These form a triangle over the eagle with the number 13 on each point. On the reverse the pyramid has 13 levels

What ever the reason, 13 + / - lives with us; even George Lucas has the # 1138 sprinkled all through his star wars movies. (1+1+3+8=13)

Some like it some don't.    I am one who does.

13  Day
Feb 15th

Today is the Chinese 13th Day of New Year
a good time to rest up after all of the feasting that has taken place over the last 12 days...
(hum: reminds me of the 12 days of Christmas), you know from all that stuffing and drinking.

so a bit of Cleanse is in order.
The Chinese recommend rice and mustard greens today for the rest and a bit of cleanse. Apple Cider Vinegar - 1-3 Tbls in 16 ounces of water 2-3xs daily is really great to help digestion - so is ginger, fennel seeds, or peppermint. (leave out the Sugar)

happy Celebrating - rest up for the coming Big day!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Day 12 ~ Chinese New Year of 15 ~ Our Valentines Day

Happy Valentine day Celebration ~Actual  



Twelfth Day
 Feb 14th
Honor your friends and relatives.

Invite your friends and relatives to dinner
- party and have a lot fun... honor your guests.
entertain them.
play games or read poetry or stories

just enjoy their company...
Create more Love & Peaceful fun.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Day 11 & 12 ~Chinese New Year of 15 ~ Our Valentines Day

Happy Valentine day Celebration for Many.


Eleventh - Twelfth Day
Feb 13th - Feb 14th
Honor your friends and relatives.

Invite your friends and relatives to dinner
- party and have a lot fun... honor your guests.
entertain them.
play games or read poetry or stories

just enjoy their company...
Create more Love & Peaceful fun.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Day 10 of 15 ~ Chinese New Year Celbration

What a great day celebrating with friends.  First thing at 6:45AM at Toastmasters, which is 10 years of good friendships. Even had the opportunity to practice some energy healing with very special friends there.  
By the way, if you are interested in visiting toastmaster, we'll treat you to breakfast..  come check us out Friday mornings at 6:45.

Then visited Michael Motorcycle with his rainbow, gongs, and pearl in mouth dragons... wonderful stories while having my hair coiffed.

On to  the sizzling rice soup at May Dragon in Addison with friends from QiGong class..  Never knew egg foo young came with so much gravy and veggies. 

Then after our final spring forest qi gong class we celebrated with Melaine Skybell at Chocolate Secrets on Oak lawn. Did you know they have sugarless chocolates.. sweetened only with vanilla... yummm 

What a day with friends!!!   

Friday, February 11, 2011

Day 9 of 15 ~ Chinese New Year Celebration - Ole Souffle ?

Two dear friends birthdays are today. 
 Their choice for dinner was souffle.

How you do make a souffle??  At one time it was easy...  that was years ago.. 
What do i remember?  what do i not remember ! ?
Once upon a time i assisted Rene Verdon, former JFK white house chief, in cooking schools.
His favorite thing to teach was 'the sauce' and the souffle.
With a galloping oven temperature, it was a challenge, however, the flavor and texture were spot on!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Day 8 of 15 ~ Chinese New Year Celbration

Writing Valentine cards today ( and next few as well) to family, friends, and clients.
What a great feeling I have staying in joyful touch with folks who mean so much to me.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Day 7-10 Chinese New Year's 15 days

Day 7 - Visit more friends days 2

Celebrate the Chinese New Year day 7
maybe today visit with friends or call them ~
create good memories and renew the joys of friendship.

Share with them your new ideas you have cultivated since you last met.

Today is a good day to share who are, what you are looking for,
maybe how your friends can help,  ask for support, or help in brainstorming ideas.
Ask how you may help them... 

Take your inspiration:
Use it, mold it, create it, develop it with friends that are supportive.

Cheers  for you
~ you are after all what you have created.
create some new things
life is movement - creation.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Day 6 -10 Chinese New Year's 15 days

Party time... Tea time... Healing time...
Well, a good day to go visiting... Friends, relatives, they may be at Church or in a Temple..
go find them, chat, catch up, have some fun with them.
This is what New Years is all about isn't it?
Celebrate in ways that all of like...

Laughter is the best medicine, a smile will release endorphins...
Happy thoughts create peptides ~ all of this is a wonderful part of healing
~ laying the foundation for a successful happy, Healthy, Wealthy New Year.

With all this celebrating you my like to keep your body more alkaline,
~easy simple way is to put 1-3 Tbls of Raw Apple Cider Vinegar in 16 oz of  water
warm or cold, with a bit of raw honey if you like.  2 -3 x daily.
This will give you plenty of Potassium and an energy lift as well as cleaner blood supply.
In "Folk Medicine" by Dr Jarvis, inspired me years ago to make this drink.

Sixth - Tenth Day
Feb 8th - Feb 12th
Visit all your friends and relatives.
This is also a good time to visit your church or temple.

May be your temple is a forest, lake, or an ocean.
Maybe your friends are the trees or the dolphins...
visit them all..

Monday, February 7, 2011

Day 5 of 15 ~Chinese New Year....

Welcoming the Wealth...

Zero Limits: #80
Let's evaluate our motive for wealth.  is it to help our community?
Avoiding greed  ~ seeking  benevolent outcomes!

Take out  the trash  ~ limiting beliefs? deserving? I'm spiritual and ...

Fifth Day
February 7
Called Po Woo, this day stay at home, so you can welcome the God of Wealth. Visit no one and let no one visit you; this will protect you from bad luck. This is also the day you may throw away your trash out the back door.

Visit no one to me means to 'listen to your own counsel' your own inner thoughts, dreams, insights from meditation. Your own higher self won't lie or mislead you, but your friends and advisers may not have the clarity that you do or your best interest in mind. So keep to yourself today.

I feel that 'staying at home' means to just do your work - speak when you have to do it - and keep quiet inside yourself today. Keep with your own thoughts = don't listen to others.
Take a news fast too - look at the weather - ok , you need to do that... leave the rest of it for another day...

Today keep to an information fast
Keep to your own counsel - don't share your thoughts with,
Be at peace...
need some peace?  Breath slowly, deeply, comfortably for 5 -20 minutes, let your mind sink to the middle of your body - near your navel; listen you may hear your heart speaking to you.  

Zero Limits.
Happy Day
Welcome Wealth... 

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Day 4 Chinese Year... (of 15) Super Bowl Day

Super Bowl Sunday ~ rooting for your team &...

Celebrate the In-laws - did you do something for them yesterday?
today is your second chance...
maybe paint the trim in the house for them
- or shovel snow before the game...
I am sure you can find something
- or just set up a small shrine for them
in your living room, or in your heart.
Offer some food or nice drinks.

Maybe your way of showing respect to the in-law parents is to complete a task: furthering your education, donating in their name to certain organization.  There are many creative ways...

Cheers to you.
Celebrate in your special way...

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Day 3 of 15 ~ New Year Chinese Celebration...

Today and tomorrow time give some attention to your parents - in -law

Third & Fourth Day
February 5 & 6

These two days are reserved for son-in-laws to pay respects to their parents-in-law.

Maybe cook for them;
Take them some flowers;
call them on the phone;
buy them a movie;
go shopping for them;

what will you do to celebrate today?

If you do not have an in-law, perhaps you have a family friend
you would like to honor today.

Time to sell the farm & move to the city?

Friday, February 4, 2011

Happy Chinese New Year - 15 days -Day 2

Got a dog? or one nearby?

Pat your dog, feed your dog,
play with your dog, throw a ball or a stick,

pat them on the head,
give 'em a comfortable bed...

Second Day
February 4
Chinese believe this is the day to pray for our ancestors, as well as God.
It is also the birthday for all dogs,
 so be very nice to them and feed them well. 
How you treat your pet may be a clue as to how you treat yourself, and friends.
Observe your attitude about pets, friends and self.

Chief Seattle's view:
This we know: the earth does not belong to man, man belongs to the earth. All things are connected like the blood that unites us all. Man did not weave the web of life, he is merely a strand in it. Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself.

Chief Seattle, 1860s
Photo by E. M. Sammis, Postcard


Thursday, February 3, 2011

Explore with me 15 days of Chinese New Year !

 Happy Chinese New Year - Day 1 of 15 days ~

to Celebrate in Many ways... how will you do it?
Today is the New Moon that signals the start of the New Year, 2011 the Year of the Golden Rabbit in Chinese astrology.

Lets explore this together - I will learn more researching it and writing it for you.
So, we can both learn.
There are 15 days and each one has a special focus to celebrate.

Gung Hay Fat Choy
or Happy New Year !!
Year of the Rabit, February 3rd, 2011

The Lunar New Year dates from 2600 BC when the Emperor Huang Ti introduced the first cycle of the Chinese zodiac. Because of cyclical lunar dating, the first day of the year can fall anywhere between late January and the middle of February.
2009 is Lunar Year 4706-4707

This is the first day; today's special focus is Vegetarian:
This is the day of "Welcoming the Gods of Heaven and Earth".
Abstain from eating meat on this day for it will ensure a long and happy life.

Today offer your food in a meaningful way to the God of your choice and / or mother nature...
follow me to see all 15 days ...

Happy New Year...