Monday, February 7, 2011

Day 5 of 15 ~Chinese New Year....

Welcoming the Wealth...

Zero Limits: #80
Let's evaluate our motive for wealth.  is it to help our community?
Avoiding greed  ~ seeking  benevolent outcomes!

Take out  the trash  ~ limiting beliefs? deserving? I'm spiritual and ...

Fifth Day
February 7
Called Po Woo, this day stay at home, so you can welcome the God of Wealth. Visit no one and let no one visit you; this will protect you from bad luck. This is also the day you may throw away your trash out the back door.

Visit no one to me means to 'listen to your own counsel' your own inner thoughts, dreams, insights from meditation. Your own higher self won't lie or mislead you, but your friends and advisers may not have the clarity that you do or your best interest in mind. So keep to yourself today.

I feel that 'staying at home' means to just do your work - speak when you have to do it - and keep quiet inside yourself today. Keep with your own thoughts = don't listen to others.
Take a news fast too - look at the weather - ok , you need to do that... leave the rest of it for another day...

Today keep to an information fast
Keep to your own counsel - don't share your thoughts with,
Be at peace...
need some peace?  Breath slowly, deeply, comfortably for 5 -20 minutes, let your mind sink to the middle of your body - near your navel; listen you may hear your heart speaking to you.  

Zero Limits.
Happy Day
Welcome Wealth... 

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